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Facts about JROTC

JROTC Charter - Provide young men and women an opportunity to become better citizens and productive members of the community through continued growth while simultaneously achieving their goals in life through leadership, education, discipline, and motivation. 

JROTC Objectives - 1) Educate students to succeed in high school and life beyond high school.

2) Build teamwork - stress seven values through a simple acronym for leadership: (LDRSHIP)- Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal courage.

3) Challenge students to make goals in life, to make a plan to attain those goals. and to provide direction as required so students achieve their goals.

4)Provide students with leadership responsibilities and opportunities as members of the class.

5) Conduct hands-on interactive learning and most importantly, have fun doing so.

JROTC Curriculum - The curriculum is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling self-esteem, teamwork, and self discipline. Its focus is reflected in the programs's mission statement, "To motivate young people to become better citizens." The curriculum prepares students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities and privileges as American citizens. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that benefit the student and community. The JROTC curriculum, consists of  several programs of instruction. Mandatory classes consist of six (6) major blocks under Leadership Education Training (LET): Citizen in action; Leadership Theory and Application; Foundations for Success; Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid; Geography, Mao Skills and Environment Awareness; and Citizenship in American History and Government. These six area complement students' required secondary education curriculum with primary focus on the development of citizenship skills in a structured interactive environment. There are four (4) LET classes that students take in sequence each year.

JROTC Class - The JROTC program has two Instructors; Lieutenant Colonel {Retired} Anthony Hardy {Senior Army Instructor} and First Sergeant {Retired} Andrew Brown {Army Instructor}. Each class period is referred to as a Company with designated phonetic alphabet names. Our classes are as followed: First Block - Alpha, Second Block - Bravo, Third Block - Charlie, Fourth Block - Delta.

All JROTC classes make up the Corps of Cadets commonly referred to as the Strike Force Battalion.


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